How good it is to have friends around us with whom we know each other well, and often understand each other without words. When we can laugh together at a joke, or goof around together, and laugh together in a really liberated way. But at the same time, when there is trouble, sadness or grief, we can cry together because we feel each other's pain. That's what a real good friend is like, there for better or worse.
„Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand and touched him and said to him, “I will; be clean.”" Mark 1:41 ESV
Mark 1:40-45
I know you're tempted to keep reading, but for now, take a break, get out your Bible and read today's passage.
Yes, friends are very good, real friends, not "Facebook friends". Jesus is an even better friend, because you can be disappointed in people, but never in Jesus. He's a friend who can rejoice with you, party with you, see the wedding at Cana, but if need be, cry with the mourners, see the death and resurrection of Lazarus.

In this story we read that Jesus had compassion on the leper. He felt what he was going through. What physical and spiritual wounds he had. He is going through terrible physical pain, but perhaps the spiritual pain is even greater. Waiting alone to die a slow death. Excluded from the community, away from family, without any help. Think about it, how do you deal with a cold or flu? How good it is to have your husband or wife, parents or child by your side, helping you in your weakness, caring for you.
Unfortunately, people with leprosy could not expect anything like this, as they had to be away from everyone. They were unclean. But not only were they away from family and people, they were also away from God, because they couldn't go to church. In those days, the church was their link with God, and they were also cut off from that.
But this God felt compassion for him, pitied him, and touched him.
God is not afraid of sickness, of uncleanness. God wants to deliver you from sickness, from sin, from shame, from anything that keeps you from being in relationship with Him. Come to Jesus, you can be sure that He will not reject you, He will not refuse you, He will have compassion on you.

Reflective questions
- What is one thing or sin in your life that is keeping you from Jesus? Come to Jesus, let Him touch that area and heal you.
- Jesus is your true friend who knows you, loves you and feels everything that happens to you. Feel free to tell him your pain, your sadness, your thanksgiving. Be like David in the book of Psalms, when he honestly lays out what is in his soul and by the time he finishes the psalm his pain has turned into thanksgiving.
For the next week, practice praying to God with sincere prayers. Tell him everything, he really knows, but it will be a relief for you. Watch how God touches your life and works in it.
If you'd like to share what God has done for you, drop us a line.
Feel free to ask any questions you may have about today's passage.